Monday, June 11, 2018

Waterfall Spray Keeps Fallin' On My Head, But That Doesn't Mean My Eyes Will Soon Be Turning Red. . .

Our last stop for the day before the hotel was Seljalandfoss – aka the waterfall of Seljaland.  This was probably the coolest of all the waterfalls, because you can hike up behind it and around it.  

Basically it is a circumnavigation of a waterfall, so we could see the grace and power of it all from the vantage points of in front of it (as is traditional), both sides, and behind it, in a little cave.  

One of the remarkable things about the trip around behind the falls and out the other side is how much spray there is.  

Even more remarkable is that the footing is somewhat dangerous.  That’s not a bad thing.  It’s a good thing – in the States, lawyers would require so much safety footings and railing that the cost would be prohibitive.  Here, we just had to be careful, and we were.

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