Sunday, June 17, 2018

One Ton Walruses On Torrelnesset

Missing a tusk, he could tell a story.

If I stick my teeth for a long time into 
ice cream, I'd get a brain freeze.

Right there, scratch right there!

Ah, got the spot.

"How's my day going?  Well, I'm surrounded
by walrus butt, so pretty good.  Yours?"

From up top the terrace.

Bergy bits and growlers.

Time for a picture.

A post-dinner snowball fight broke out.  I threw
a couple snowballs, then headed to the bar.  I won.

Seals and blue ice.

If only I had a British accent, I 
could do nature documentaries.

Things go swimmingly when you
are too big for polar bears to attack.

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