Sunday, June 10, 2018

A Non-Rolling 300 Year Old Lava Stone Gathers Quite A Bit Of Moss

Heading back to the west, we diverted onto a single-track lava gravel road that used to be the only we to reach the southeast of Iceland.  It was part of a large lava field from an eruption around 300 years ago.  The rocks were all jumbled and bumbled on each other, and all were covered with a significant level of beautiful green moss.  

We got out and walked along the road, looking at the mountains in the distance, and, closer to us, being mesmerized by the jumbled, green landscape.  Giorgio kept reminding us not to touch the moss, which, since we are eight years old, is a good thing, because otherwise, after the fifth or sixth reminder, we still would have touched it!  

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