Thursday, June 14, 2018

Our Landing In Famed Rusebukta

Establishing Shot

Bow Whale Skull.  Oh, and most of Kasper.

"One reindeer goes one way and the other
goes the other."  Credit Goodfellas.

This reindeer is a real whiz!

Wife and reindeer life.

Barnacle geese

Siberia wood.


Well, the color isn't the best, but the whole
"reindeer crossing the ridge thing" is very cool.

Orange frames.

"You go down and out, and I'll hit you
15 yards out.  On two, break!"  "Hey,
look, it's John Candy!"

No live reindeer were drowned in
the making of this photograph

"Don't cross the streams!"
Points if you get the reference.

I'm lichen this photo!

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