Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Strokkur -- It Could Be A Punk Band Name, But It's Actually Way Cooler

After the rift, our next stop was at Geysir, which reminded me of a little mini Yellowstone Park.  Geysir is a highly active hot springs area with boiling mud pits, exploding geysers, and the famed Strokkur, which shoots water into the air every five or six minutes on average.

The eruptions do not last nearly as long as Old Faithful, nor get as high, but since they happen so frequently, you are liable to see four-to-five eruptions in a short period of time.  Think of Donald Trump on Twitter, although you don't wince when you see Strokkur go.

(Btw, can we all admit that "Strokkur" would be a great name for either a Scandinavian Bond villain, or a Germanic punk band?  Imagine the merchandising!).

Geysir itself no longer blows, but the four main hot springs bubble and smoke, enough to make you think you are no longer on Earth, but instead have reached Jupiter.  This is an actual sentence on Iceland's tourism page: 
Though Geysir itself is rarely active these days, Haukadalur Valley boasts a plethora of hot springs and geysers, including the powerful Strokkur, Smiður and Litli-Strokkur.  
That's another reason why Strokkur is great name -- I actually have a shot at pronouncing it correctly, unlike almost every other Icelandic word.

The sulfur smell was strong in places, which guaranteed that us guys would tell the equivalent of sixth grade boys fart jokes.  We'd all laugh, while the women would roll their eyes.  In this ever changing world in which we live in, some things never change.

(And, that note seems to be the best way to finish this post, so mic drop time.) 

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