Thursday, February 2, 2017

A Good Hair Day

Our final stop on our tiring first day in Yangon was the Botataung Pagoda, also known “Buddha’s First Sacred Hair Relic Pagoda.”  Quite catchy.

It houses the famous strands of hair that Buddha gave to two traders from what is now Yangon back in 6th century BC, which is a long time ago in anyone’s book.  The pagoda is beautiful (see pictures), with zigzag chambers of gold leaf leading you around.

The original pagoda was bombed and destroyed in 1943 by the RAF (they were bombing the port and some bombs missed).  In the reconstruction, they found the original stone casket with a small pagoda of pure gold – within that pagoda, two strands of Buddha’s hair was found.

The grounds were beautiful, with many small pagodas and shrines.  After walking around the grounds (and taking pictures), we strolled down to the river, taking in the controlled chaos of the little motorboats ferrying people across the river, kids and old women selling what appeared to be cornpuff balls, larger boats, and what have you.

After the trip back to the hotel (during which we hit. . .you guessed it. . .traffic!), we relaxed with a swim in the pool before dinner.  The restaurant was great, and we were seated next to the beautiful pool.  After dinner, it was early to bed.  A long first day, but full of amazing sights.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow. I'm tired reading about your day. and you covered it after traveling for 32 hours or something.

The Iron Tourist!!