Thursday, February 16, 2017

How To Attract Even More Moths

Apparently the moths of the Irrawaddy River like to come out at night for about two weeks every year.  It just happens to be the time when we were on our river cruise.

For the final night, the cruise kitchen staff had put together a romantic BBQ on the sandbank of the river.  On our way over on a boat, they shot off fireworks as a greeting.

When we got there, the layout was beautiful.  The drawback was the moths.  Alas, I had a conference call, so I walked away from the group to a secluded part of the sandbank so as not to disturb folks.  I had to look at a survey questionnaire on my iPad, and the combination of the light of my iPad and my iPhone drew an untold number of moths.

The moths annoyed me by landing on my screens, which I had to shoo them off of.  But, more importantly, they amused themselves by smacking into my head, trying to climb into my ears, and generally landing on me.  It's kinda like when a dog nuzzles up to you, except not at all like that.

Mercifully the call only lasted 30 minutes, so I was able to go back to the dinner, where the moths proceeded to continue their attack.  Alas I had sat on the outside of table, so the moths, drawn to the flames of the candles on our table, would run into me (and the others).  Moths even drowned themselves in our water glasses.  Not wanting protein with our water, we did not drink anymore of it!

The food was good, and the setting was stunning, but I was happy to get back on the boat to return to the Ananda Sanctuary.

The only redeeming feature of the moths is that they do not make noise, unlike the dreadful 17 year cicadas.

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