Thursday, February 23, 2017


Tim Tams are available in the US, where they are called "Arnott's Original" (boring).  In fact, we had bought some here in the States after our last trip to NZ and Oz (Maddy turned us on to them), but -- don't say we didn't warn you -- they don't taste the same!

Not sure if it's a different recipe, or being on this side of the equator changes the taste enough that it is no longer the best cookie you'll ever have, but do not buy Tim Tams here.  Go to Australia or NZ -- or both!  You can thank me after you've eaten a whole box in one sitting.  Then, after you immediately open the second box, you can curse me.

(If you are asking why did I write about Tim Tams, you've never had one in their natural habitat.  And, if you have a Tim Tam in the Southern Hemisphere, you are nodding knowingly right now, with a small grin of remembrance on your face.  For those who remember, you are welcome, I do what I can.)

Now, back to our regularly scheduled travel blog. . .

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