Saturday, February 4, 2017

Photos from the Tipitaka Mahagandayone Monastery

The upper part of the monastery gate

Stray dog in the monastery

Our food servers

The bowls of rice

First contact

A flock of monks (a herd of monks)?

Small bowl of rice into bigger bowl.

A novice monk at the end of the line.

The Dining Hall

The food is better than the old Marriot (Mary-rot)
food service at American University in the 1980s!

I don't scream, you don't scream,
we all don't scream for ice cream
(vow of silence, you know!) 

Novice monks

No utensils needed for this monk -- his 
hands/fingers were sufficient for eating.

The stray dog strut

Our lunch mirrored their lunch.  Most of us
enjoyed most of the food.

Ye Ye tells us what we are eating. 
I promptly forget what is what.

The head monk got his position by surprise
wins in the Electoral College. Don't trust
the polls -- they were rigged!

Staffers from Team Ye Ye

The novices

The water ceremony: part of the blessing from the monk.
As you slowly poured the water into the cup, the
cup signified the monastery and the water represented
our donation/good will to the monastery.

Monk dorms with drying laundry.

Our heroes at the gate
of the monastery.


Unknown said...

Enjoying living vicariously

Unknown said...

So were the 280 monks all silent eating their bowls of rice?