Thursday, February 16, 2017

Fishing Scenes From Inle Lake

Net fishing.  Note how he's balanced on the end
of his boat, paddling and fishing at the same time.

Brings a whole new meaning to SUP

Total diversion, but please, if you ever start a SUP rental/sales business, please name it What'SUP? Isn't that awesome?  You can have that name for free!  Now, back to our trip blog. . .

One of Ye Ye's boats -- this one with
Michelle, Valerie, Meg, and Rich.
Note how low to the water.

They are filling their boat with sacks of 
fill dirt to build floating gardens of 
tomatos, beans, and other veggies.

This is a monument to the mythical bird of Inle
Lake.  Alas, that's all I remember about it.

Cage fishing.  It's even harder than it looks.

The balance required is amazing.

Mountains in the mist.

A town's pagoda.

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