Monday, February 20, 2017

To Market, & Back

Pagodas above the market town

Boats arriving for the market

The market has food, crafts, etc, but also
specializes in firewood.  I didn't buy any
because I didn't want to get burned (ha!).

Market arrival.

Moments later, the pile tumbled, as did the
young boy.  He worked hard to pick it up,
but needed help from his dad.

Bargaining over firewood.

Cows, homes, and pagodas -- a
quintessential Myanmaric scene. 

This rooster had plenty to crow about.

All of these boats had to be unloaded.
Good thing we got there too late to help!

Ah, sanitary food handling.

They make alterations on-site.
The old school way.

Nice photo bomb.

This traditional means of transport
is thousands of years old.

Another look at the pagodas above the market.

There were not many signs of Western
culture.  Here, arguably, is one of them.

Someday soon, idealistic young American
tourists will flock to Inle Lake to help in the
seaweed harvest, like the Sandalistas of
the '80s with the coffee harvest.

They are moving this on water with leverage
and boats to add to their floating garden.

Catch a fish for a man and he eats for a day.
Teach him to beat the snot out of the fish,
and he eats for a lifetime.  (Actually, he's
just driving the fish into the net, so it
looks worse than it is).

Almost back to the resort.

If you haven't figured it
out yet, he's paddling with
his leg/foot.
Mind still blown.

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