Thursday, February 23, 2017

Indain Gives Off An Indiana Jones/Temple of Doom Vibe

Look, all of the temple areas we went are amazing.  I think Bagan is my favorite, followed by Indain. I know it's hard to believe I would rank Shwedagon Pagoda third (given how spectacular it is), but thinking about it, I would actually list the ones on the hill above Taung-To town third, just because they are so dramatic perched up there.

These are from around 1200 AD.  Interesting, on Wikipedia it is called the "Shwe Indein Pagoda" -- my spelling of "Indain" is from what Ye Ye told us, so I'm going with him, not some guy on-line in his underwear.  (I know the Wikipedia entry could have been written by a woman, but if I reference "some woman on-line in her underwear" you all will think I'm creepy.)

Well, it doesn't really matter the order. . .all are incredible.  There's too many great photos from Indain to pick just a few, so pardon the length.  As always, to get a better look, click on the photo and it will enlarge:

Dare to enter here and you will never come out!
(Bwaa-ha-ha!).  Technically, that's not a thing here.

This Stupa has seen better days.

Pretty amazing coloring.

Moments later, Ye Ye smashed
this antiquity on the ground.
(Just kidding -- PS, Kevin,
nice photobomb!)

See?  Told you he didn't!

Nature finds a way.

If you can keep your head
while those around you are
losing theirs. . .


So, this is a pretty cool photo if I say so myself.
(Click on it to enlarge -- looks even better).

Being from New York, Rich is used
to be told where to go.  Val looks on.

Homes abut the Pagodas

The "dirt" mound in the 
foreground is part of a 
pagoda in ruins.

I'll take what's behind door number 2, Monty!

Winner!  (This is what
is behind door #2)

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