Thursday, February 16, 2017

It's The Posh, Posh, Traveling Life, the Traveling Life for Me

The next morning, we shuttled off the boat early, and went to the Bagan airport to fly to Heho (pronounced He-ho).  Another plus on this trip, besides a great guide, good people, amazing sights, great activities, and wonderful accommodations, is that we leave our bags for each trip outside our door, someone picks them up, and they show up in our next accommodations (be it hotel, ship, or resort).

(Traveling around Australia this past week since leaving Myanmar, we've had the horror of having to tote our own bags.  Carol has the vapors, and I nearly fainted, but we're coping.)

We boarded our bus (did I mention we didn't have to deal with our bags?  Probably, so moving on. . .) and headed toward Inle Lake, heading through some small and medium sized towns.  Just watching te goings on in the town was pretty interesting.  Before getting to the resort, we stopped at Red Mountain Winery, where we had a tasting of two whites and two reds.

Red Mountain Winery is one of two wineries in Myanmar and is in a very beautiful setting, up on a ridge.  There are distant views of Inle Lake.

You can take the cynical approach or the positive approach to a Myanmarinian winery, so I will take both.  The cynical view is that if you are going to drink Myanmar wine, 11am is probably the best time to do it!  The Sauvignon Blanc was pretty good (even though I'm not much of a white wine drinker).  The Muscatel was, um, Muscatel, and the two reds were not so good.  That said, it was still neat to have tried the wine (after all, besides Carol and the rest of our faithful companions, who else reading this blog can claim to have had wine made in Myanmar).

We then checked into our resort, with its large bungalows with views of the nearby Inle Lake.  We all had a good buffet lunch in the beautiful dining area, with nice views of the impressive infinity pool. Ah, luxury.

1 comment:

rickbolger said...

first cabin and captain's table, regal company?