Sunday, May 21, 2023

An Underwhelming Sailboat Cruise

Whether it is kayaking, someone's powerboat, a pontoon boat, a catamaran, or a sailboat, I generally really enjoy being on the water (as do most people).

With fond memories of our last time on the Med, in Barcelona 2019, I booked a two-hour sailboat cruise in Valencia and looked forward to it with anticipation.

It was a bit underwhelming.  We never did sail, and I'm not sure if captain Jose Luis thought it was too windy to put the sails up, or if as a one-man crew it would be too much for him, but I was disappointed by it.  We've done a number of sail tours, and this was the first one I felt blah about.

Well, here's some nice pictures from it, and the sunset photo as we were walking back to our apartment turned out spectacularly well.  In fact, I will lead with that first.

The storm never came down to us, but
I think it helped create the sunset
conditions that makes the first photo
so amazing.

Cool cloud formation.

Dinner was both great and annoying.  There is a restaurant, Mar D'Amura, the building right next to our apartment.  The food was great, but they refused to bring us the bill so we could pay and leave for 45 MINUTES after we requested the bill.  They got busier as the evening went on, but ignoring our polite requests caused me to escalate the situation.  I stood at the bar and was still ignored by the two wait staff.  Finally I said "bye-bye" loudly and got ready to walk out with paying.

The waitress was pretty cross when she brought the portable credit card reader over.  It literally took two seconds for the machine to take the chip and for us to go.  Again the food was good, but the fact that they refused to bring us the bill till I threatened to leave left a sour taste in my mouth.

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