Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Window Of The Devil

When you get a text from your older brother that reads thusly:

You gotta do three things:
  1. Look up what and where the Ventana del Diablo is.
  2. Claim you are already going, rather than admit that the Iron Tourist is unaware of the Window of the Devil.
  3. Actually go.
It's very close to Villable de la Sierra, and on the way to our next town, the absolutely jaw-droppingly, stunning, beautiful Albarracin (spoiler alert -- we love the village!).

It's a short walk from the parking lot to the Devil's window -- a triple arch with views in all directions.

There's not much to say about it, but here goes: it's number one of six things to do in Villabla de la Sierra on Trip Advisor.  Also, according to one reviewer: "Legend has it that in the past, screams were heard from these windows and they were those of the people who were browsing around and were thrown into the void by the devil himself."  

No screams were heard by us, nor did we see anyone thrown into the void, either by the devil himself or anyone else.  Which is good, because the result upon hitting the ground would be instant death.  On that happy note, here's some pictures:

Triple arches, which means it is
50% better than McDonalds.

This gives perspective on just how
large the arches are.  Carol is the
one on the right, whilst we didn't
chat with the other couple, so we
don't know who they are.  Like you care.

Views from the parking lot to the south.

So, if you are even in Cuenca, or Villabla de la Sierra, it's definitely worth the ten minute stop to check it out.

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