Monday, May 8, 2023

Climbing A Stairway To Heaven

We went back to La Clerecia Church, nicknamed the "Stairway to Heaven."  There's not much to report about the church, except for climbing the 200 steps for fantastic views of Salamanca.  And of storks.

The climb was relatively easy -- until the last 25 steps or so, the stairs were nice and wide.  You actually walk around two levels -- near the top, and the top of the stairs.

The top affords views of most of Salamanca, including part of Plaza Mayor, the Cathedral (of course), other churches, and many other buildings.  There were also multiple storks nesting in the church dome, feeding their babies and generally showing off.

It was definitely the best tower we've climbed on the trip thus far.

The church cloister.

Multiple storks were
nesting on the dome.

The library courtyard.

And a grand view of the Cathedral.

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