Monday, May 1, 2023

Mirador Del Valle, Then Back On The Road Again

Everyone raves about the Mirador Del Valle, which means "viewpoint of the valley."  Both Rick Steves and Javi highly recommended it.  We had planned to cab there after La Luz, but we were hot, tired, and worn out.  Being the Iron Tourist is harder at age mumble, mumble is harder than being the Iron Tourist even just a few years ago.

(Don't worry blog fans, I may have lost a little zip on my fastball, but I'm a crafty veteran, our travels will still be interesting to read about!).

So, instead we wisely decided to pick up the rental car the next morning, drive to the Mirador Del Valle, and then head on to our next location(s).  It was a short drive from the car rental place, which was located outside of the old city, so the viewpoint was easy to get to. and spectacular.  I will let some photos tell the story:

A great view of Toledo from the overlook.

The Cathedral from across the river.

Another view.

Pretty flowers grow at the overlook.

Overlook selfie (obviously)

Pretty panorama photo.  NOT taken by me.
Javi texted it to me so I could show a 
cabbie if need be.  Not sure if taken by
Javi or someone else.  Darn 
impressive if he took it!

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