Sunday, May 21, 2023

The Sistine Chapel Of Spain

There's a lot of Valencia we did not get around to seeing.  But one place we made a point of going is known as "the Sistine Chapel of Spain."  It's okay, I had never heard of it before either.

It's the Parroquia de San Nicolas de Bari y San Pedro Martir, a simply beautiful church.  It features more than 20,000 square feet of frescoes, which is really going for Baroque when it comes to frescoes.  

It has roots as a Roman temple, Visigoth church, Moorish mosque, and finally Christian church.  The church really came to be in the 15th century, the frescoes got going in the 1690s.

There are works of art by famous artists I've never heard of, and sculptures sculpted by famous sculptors I've never heard of.

(Editor's Note: I think that says more about your lack of art awareness than anything about these people you've never heard of.  Writer:  I think you are right.)

All in all, it is quite amazing and should be a required stop by anyone going to Valencia, whether for the beach or for Old Town (or both).

Be aware that tourist visits (that's us) aren't allowed on Mondays or during worship services.

This picture gives a sense
of how spectacular the
church is, but doesn't
do it complete justice.

One of the ceiling frescoes. I'm
not sure of the story, but I think
it ends poorly for the fellow
who is sitting down.

A view of the ceiling.

The rose window.

The old mother, goose, and kid story.

Cherubs help hold up the ceiling.

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