Saturday, May 20, 2023

Climbing Rickety Stairs To The Top Of A Tower

We only spent one night in Albarracin, and arguably, that's all you need.  After breakfast, Carol suggested we climb a wall tower right by the hotel.  I hadn't noticed it, but the nice hotel clerk had told Carol about it, and that morning, Carol noticed it from our Romeo and Juliet balcony.

The stairs up weren't the best.  Of course, nothing like it exists in the US, but if it did, lawyers would have closed the tower stairs.  So we went up to the top of the tower, basking in the views all around.  The most amazing part to me is that wall headed up the hill from this key corner tower, and houses were built right along/into the wall.

After that, we wandered through that section of town, finding more city walls and narrow "streets."  It's quite the place!

From the tower, you can see
the houses built along the walls
and nearby tower.

Just a cool shot of the jumble of houses.

A turn, then the walls
climb the mountain.

A different view of the church
with the walls behind it.

This gives you a sense of how
dramatic the walls are, and how 
jumbled Albarracin is.

The cathedral from below.

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