Monday, May 8, 2023

The Oldest University In Spain

The University of Salamanca is the oldest in Spain, founded in 1218.  We had visited the facade of the main lecture halls the previous afternoon.  Being a Sunday, the entrance to the courtyard was locked.  Mid-day Monday it was open.  

It features beautiful pillars, and signs admonishing you not to walk on the grass.  It's very contemplative (but there is also a sign telling you not to throw coins into the wishing well in the middle of the courtyard. 

We ducked into the room that features a ceiling mural from the the 15th century that depicts the night sky's constellations, including the horoscope signs and is illustrated with mythological figures, such as Hercules.

After the university and the two cathedrals, it was time to reward ourselves with churros con chocolate, so in Alex Weil's honor, we searched out the Salamanca Chocolateria Valor and rewarded ourselves for a job well done.  This was the third city we've been to a Chocolateria Valor -- Madrid, Leon, and now Salamanca.

University students would write
their names on the buildings
using the blood of bulls who
didn't fare well in bullfights
held in Plaza Mayor.

The university courtyard.

Part of the Sky of Salamanca,
from the 15th century. 

The coat of arms over the Law School.

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