Tuesday, May 16, 2023

I Guess The Rocks Inspired Him To Show Off His Stones

Well, this was unexpected.  Near the end of our hike in Los Callejones de Las Majadas, Carol went a bit ahead of me around a bend in the trail as I was futzing with my camera.  I finish and then continue walking, as I rounded the bend, there was a fellow hiking the trail in the other direction.

My first thought was that he was wearing an oddly fuzzy shirt.  Then I realized he didn't have a shirt on, just a backpack, and was showing off his upper body hair.  Then it hit me that he wasn't just showing off his upper body hair, but he was showing off everything.  Our crossing was so short that I didn't see his manhood, as he was passing me as I looked down and realized just how little (a backpack) he was wearing, along with his footwear.  I never got that far down.

Carol was further ahead, so when he passed her, they were on a straightaway.  Carol has been flashed by strange men twice in her life, and both times in Spain!  Once was in Madrid, when she and her three friends who traveled to the country for a cooking school in Andalucia and a guy flashed them in the park.  He ran off when Patti and Carol laughed at him.

This time Carol didn't react, just hiked on.  Yup, he was, as the song goes, "nekkid as a jaybird."  Because Carol was ahead of me, I couldn't yell, "Don't look Ethel!" but, like the song from the 1970s, it was too late.  

I didn't know naked hiking is a thing.  I just googled it, and some links appear harmless, talking about where it is legal and the joys of hiking naked, whilst others seem a bit more pornographic, mostly because the links come out and say this is porno.  I passed on the whole thing, and still wonder about what happens if you trip or get to close to prickers/cactus thorns?  Personally, I'm not going to take the risk.

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