Monday, May 15, 2023

Our Walking Tour In Pictures

One of the remaining
gates in Segovia.

Romanesque Church right
by out hotel: San Millan

Many houses have this relatively
recent esgrafiado decorative
stucco work.  Mariano says
it costs 100 Euro per square
meter -- that's a lot of money
for house decorating!

These holes in the Aqueduct's stones
made them easier for the Romans
(or the devil's helpers) to transport.

I meant to include this in the
photos of the Aqueduct.  That's
okay, I've got it here.  The
shadows cast by the arches
make it look like stairs.

Rome founders Remus and Romulus
suckled by a wolf in this statue given
to Segovia by Rome as a reminder of
who built the Aqueduct. . .not the devil!

One of the massive homes of the nobles
that were used to defend the city.

Views of the Sierra de Guadarrama mountains.
(Editor's Note: Calling them both "Sierra"
and "mountains" in the same sentence is
both repetitive and says the same thing.
Writer: Readership surveys show that
my readers are far smarter than the average
blog reader, but I can't assume they would
know that "sierra" means mountains. 

Old archways that connect
buildings are awesome!

Another example of esgrafiado stucco work.

Juan Bravo.  Little known fact:
He was the inspiration for
Cartoon Network's Johnny Bravo.
(Editor's Note: For the love of God,
please stop.  Writer: Oh please,
don't try telling me you didn't go
there too.)

Church of St. Martin.

These windows were used for drying wool,
back before Australia pulled the wool
over Segovia's massive wool business.
Our hotel room had these windows as well.

Q: Has it been a while since I posted a coat
of arms?  A: Yes. Thus endeth the cold streak.

Corpus Christi, the former
mosque that became a synagogue
that became a church.

City Hall, Plaza Mayor.

A chunk of the Cathedral.  One of the
more enthusiastic apses I've seen.

Another city gate.

The door to the building
where the first books
were printed in Spain.

The Alcazar.  If it looks Disney-esque,
that's only because it is Disney-esque.

Stork sighting.  Segovia joins Zamora
and Salamanca as having storks we
saw.  Salamanca had the most.

More photos of. . .

the Alcazar.

Twelve-sided Vera Cruz Church,
taken from the Alcazar.

The Real Monasterio de Santa Maria del Parral.

From the city walls.

Part of the wall, plus the Jewish abattoir.

Tranquil view from the walls.

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