Sunday, May 7, 2023

Photos From Our Salamanca Stroll

Flowers in front of the Cathedral.

A famous poet we've never heard of.

The university facade.

Town Hall, Plaza Mayor

Close-up of Town Hall Carving.

Note the bear and the arched Roman
bridge on Salamanca's coat of arms.

The lion over a Plaza Mayor gate
looks pretty fierce.  Not sure
what the ring out of his
mouth indicates.

The University of Salamanca's
facade.  Oh, and let's not be
confused -- Salamanca is always
fun to say outloud!

Yup, Ferdinand and Isabel.
When you take the Royals'
shillings you do the Royals'

The Hapsburg Double Eagle.
(Given their inbreeding, 
more like the HapLESS

My Griffin is Gone.

Charles V's Queen, Isabella of
Portugal.  She was also his
cousin.  Ick.  Good luck
getting that out of your mind.

Luis de Leon had perhaps
the second-best line of 
the Inquisition.

The birth of the Baby Jesus.

The scallop shell represents
the Camino de Santiago.

Just another 2,000 year old stone
sculpture, this one is of a bull.

Looking back at the Cathedral
from the Roman bridge.

Ducks on the Tormes.

Don Quixote and his loyal
sidekick Sancho Panza.  It
might be a requirement in
Central Spain to have such
a statue or other recognition
of Cervantes.

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