Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Tripping The Light Fantastic

In Europe, the debate over which church building has the best stained glass.  Having now visited the acknowledged by all top four contenders, I'm here to rank them for you:

1.  Sainte Chappelle Chapel in Paris (by a landslide, in my book)

2.  Sagrada Familia in Barcelona

3.  The Cathedral of Leon in well, Leon

4.  Chartres Cathedral in (you figure it out!)

(Editor's Note; Don't get snippy with your readers just because your construct in #1 & #2 didn't work for #3 and #4.  Writer: Once I started down that path, I wasn't going to deviate from it!)

I'm not sure everyone has Sagrada Familia on their list, but they should.  The windows bring in spectacular light and colors. 

There are other cool elements to the Leon Cathedral, but the stained glass is breathtaking.  You've seen plenty of pictures from other cathedrals, so this post is going to focus solely on the stained glass.  I hope the pictures help you marvel at it like we did.  Prepare to be inspired:

No captions necessary.  The pictures speak for themselves!

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