Friday, May 5, 2023

The Four Posts

The place to go when leaving Avila is Cuatro Postes, the Four Posts.  It affords a great view of the entire city from the west.

While just a five-ten minute stop, it’s a fun place to pop by.  Not only does it offer a great view of the city, it is a religious monument dating from 1566.  The rock that it is built on has an interesting history dating back to 1157 (well, the rock’s history is much older, but in terms of human history).

Visiting felt a bit like a party, as several dozen people will milling about, snapping selfies and enjoying the day.  Some were busy hiking out from the town (it’s pretty close), while others (like us) had parked in the good-sized dirt parking lot before heading on to the next stop, which for us was Salamanca. 

Avila, in all its' splendor.

Some of the 88 towers that
protect Avila to this day.

Cuattro Postes

Us and Avila.

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