Wednesday, May 10, 2023

The Astorga Cathedral In Photos

Well, once again WordPress uploaded the photos backwards, and once again I'm not going to burn up time putting them in the right order.  So, here goes!

To the left, the Cathedral towers.
In the middle, Gaudi's Bishop's Palace.
At the lower part, the city walls.
Taken from the free(!) town parking lot.


And, next to it, another mural.

Part of the front door of the Cathedral.

The lamb of God.

Quite the quill.

The high altar.

She's an angel.  Literally.

The centerpiece of the inside of the Dome.
If you think I'm showing off my
camera's zoom lens, you are right.

A side view of the Cathedral.

A very brief snippet of the
bell ringing at the Town Hall.

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