Monday, May 1, 2023

There Are Some Photos From El Escorial

Dear reader, you've probably noticed that I take a LOT of photos.  It's kind of my thing.  I don't post most of them, saving many for the Shutterfly books I do, but I do post quite a few.  There's actually a goodly number of photos from El Escorial below, but I used most of the ones I took, because of the nonsensical "no photos" policy.

The Library, taken
surreptitiously by Carol.

The Courtyard of the Kings. . .
they are up above/behind us.

El Escorial.

The Courtyard of the Kings;
not exactly packed with tourists.

The six kings of Judah.

My surreptitious pic of the library.

One of many, many paintings.

The top of the high altar.

A royal grave, also an illegal picture.

A legal picture,

Pretty cool shot of the mountains
not far from El Escorial.

Pretty gardens, but they need
some colorful flowers.

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