Tuesday, May 9, 2023

From Z. . .

Leaving Salamanca, we made the easy drive to sleepy Zamora.  It was only a day stop, not an overnight visit.  My main interest in going to Zamora was to see the medieval castle. 

And, honestly, to make it to another "Z" city -- Zamora and Zaragoza.  Half-arsed research on the internet suggests that there are three cities/towns in Spain that start with "Z."  We haven't made it to Zafra yet, but it's not far from Seville, so, if we go back to Andulusia (and who doesn't want to want to back to Andulusia?), who knows, Carol and I may have to go to Zafra.  Or not.  

My rankings of Z cities we've visited -- Zaragoza, then Zamora.  Both were SFADBNSOTs -- or, as others would say, "stop for a day but not stay overnight towns."  (Also, feel free to email me if I've missed a "Z" city in Spain.  Small villages don't count.)   

Despite the fact that the internet and the sign outside the castle said it would be open, it never did.  So instead, we went to Zamora Cathedral, which is right next door.

The Cathedral is great.  The whole town seems great.  It's got 24 12th and 13th century Romanesque churches.  It has a beautiful Roman bridge.  The city walls are intimidating.  Walking through town was quite pleasant.  

I won't go into much detail about the Cathedral, as I'm a bit worn out writing about cathedrals in general.  And I suspect you are a bit worn out reading about them.  (Fun cathedral fact of the day -- "cathe" means the Bishop's seat, hence "cathedral).

(Editor's Note: By "seat" do you mean his butt?  Writer: No.  Now get out before I kick your seat!)

However, I do like some of the photos from Zamora (mostly the cathedral), so here goes:

Zamora Castle.  Not open, even though
the Internet and the sign AT the
castle says it would be open that 
day and time.  If you can't trust the
Internet, who can you trust?

There's also some cool art
sculptures in the park between
the Cathedral and the castle.

The castle walls are pretty high!

Cool table.

The Cathedral's monstrance.

The model for King Moonracer.

St. James takes a hike.

Saint Christopher, patron saint
of travelers.  Not Catholic, but
we gotta like this guy!

Part of an amazing chapel.

Quoth the Raven, Nevermore.
You think they'd be happier
since Lamar Jackson re-signed.

Horse walks into a cathedral.
Priest asks, "Why the long face?"

In case you can't tell, the 
gentleman on the left is 
about to chop of the head
of the gentlelady who is
kneeling and praying.

John the Baptist, at the
Jordan River, doing
his thing with Jesus.

A Semana Santa float.

Most of us write on desks.
This guy uses the head
of a baby.  It might catch on.

The Cathedral.

The bishop's gate.

Zamora city walls.

The Roman River, showing off
its reflection in the Duoro River,
my favorite river in Spain.

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