Tuesday, April 2, 2019

A Walk In The Park

Our next stop Sunday afternoon was Hong Kong Park.  It's a hilly park, with beautiful fountains, good climbs, and the best aviary we have ever visited.

We passed a stunning banyan tree on the outskirts of the park.  (Editor's Note: Is there any other kind than a stunning banyan tree?  Blogger: In pensive thought.  Ah, good point.  But still).

Officially declared a stunning banyan
tree by your faithful blogger.

Next, I walked through a water fountain, as did some single digit year old kids.  Sweet -- I'm still young at heart!

Then there was another beautiful fountain, the famed clock tower, and then several waterfalls/cascades.  I believe the waterfalls were man-made, but that doesn't make them any less relaxing.  Hong Kong does a great job with fountains and use of flowing water.  Any city, college campus (Elon!), or home that uses water/fountains/streams makes me chuffed.  

(Pause for most readers to google "chuffed" so they first know what it means and second realize it is not a dirty slang word.  But not you -- you already know what chuffed means.  I mean wait for everyone else to look it up!)
Fountain #2

One of the cascades

Imperial-style building dating from the 1800s.

Clock tower.  A drop of rain
on the bottom of the picture.

But my main goal was to go to the aviary.  While I don't want to be one of those guys hanging out at the park with a bird in a bird cage talkin' birds, I do love bird-watching.  Not in the "I've got an official list of birds I've ever seen"  or in the "Honey, we are going to East Buttscratch to use binoculars to spot the Orange-breasted Leg Humper" kind of birdwatching, but more in the "hey, there's a bald eagle near that great blue heron and that's pretty cool!" kind of way.

Anyhow, as the following pictures kind of show just how cool the aviary is.  When I write "kind of show" it's because being there is much better than seeing the photos.

On the way back, we passed by the huge koi pond, and enjoy watching the koi and the turtles swimming around, he wrote coyly.

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