Monday, April 1, 2019

The Bird Men of Hong Kong. . .And More

Our final two stops with Bill were the bird park and Ladies Market.  Being halfway around the world the day before, Carol and I were running out of gas. But, it was still very unique (Editor's Note: It can't be "very unique" -- you can't qualify "unique."   Blogger's Note: Okay Mr. Smarty-pants language person.  It was still very unique!  Hey, don't strike through my words!)

At one point, as we walked through, Carol leaned over to me and whispered -- "this could be you in the future."  Uh, no.  It looks interesting to do for a day, but day after day of carting your bird and cage around, talking birds, and admiring other birds and cages?  No.  Not a chance.  

Bill didn't say it as succinctly as I just wrote it, but a few minutes later he made the same observation.  

It was still interesting to see another facet of a life that some people choose.

Just sitting around, shooting the breeze about birds.

A picture from above of just a
small part of the flower market.

The Ladies market

It's a mini-motorcycle.  Honestly, to me it looks
like a death trap, a suicide rap, as another
New Jersey native might say.

The Ladies market bills itself on its website as, and I kid you not:
The premier fashionista destination in Hong Kong, both tourists and residents trawl the stalls to find what's the latest clothes, bags, accessories and more.
It's a place for low-priced clothing, and more.  And not just for ladies.  But, it's not "the premier fashionista destination" any more than Panera is the place to go if you are a foodie.

The market was neat to see, and the area is considered either the most or one of the most densely-populated places in the world.   The streets were packed, and Bill noted that it wasn't even close to as busy as it gets later in the day (it was around 4:15 pm).  We were running out of gas, and I finally said, in the words of Roberto Duran, no mas.

Bill dutifully led us back to just outside our hotel, and we bade our fond farewells.  I was too tired to remember to ask him to pose for a picture with us.  However, if you ever want a great day long tour of Kowloon (we did not go over to Hong Kong island), definitely contact Bill at this link.

He will take you to parts of the city you otherwise won't go (not that it is unsafe, but it is pretty cool areas that you would not know to go).

Heck, after all, I got eight blog posts out of just under seven hours hanging with Bill.

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