Monday, April 8, 2019

Terracotta Warrior Photos

The welcome statue -- Emperor Qin write large.

A group of warriors

A horse

All of Pit #1 -- note the people on either side.

I'm sorry, if you don't think these are cool. . .
let me know and I will take you off the
email list!

Yes your honor, this man has no head.

Side view.

Warrior Hospital

Wife and the long view.

We saw cherry blossoms here too!

A team of horses.


Archer -- noteworthy for two
reasons -- kneeling and has
paint on his back still!

Everybody was kung-fu fighting
Those kicks were fast as lightning
In fact it was a little bit frightening
But they fought with expert timing
They were funky China men from funky Chinatown
They were chopping them up and they were chopping them down
It's an ancient Chinese art and everybody knew their part
From a feint into a slip, and kicking from the hip
Everybody was kung-fu fighting
Those kicks were fast as lightning 
In fact it was a little bit frightening
But they fought with expert timing
There was funky Billy Chin and little Sammy Chung
He said here comes the big boss, let's get it on
We took a bow and made a stand, started swinging with the hand
The sudden motion made me skip now we're into a brand knew trip
Everybody was kung-fu fighting
Those kicks were fast as lightning
In fact it was a little bit frightening
But they did it with expert timing
Keep on, keep on, keep on, keep on
Everybody was kung-fu fighting
Those kicks were fast as lightning
In fact it was a little bit frightening
Make sure you have expert timing
Kung-fu fighting, had to be fast as lightning
Keep on, keep on, keep on

A man and his horse.

Some crowds outside.

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