Monday, April 15, 2019

Photos From The Li River Cruise

This is some of the most dramatic landscape I've ever seen.  I had to restrain myself from posting more photos.

Heckuva view to start.  While a sunny day
would have made it nice, the mist added
an ethereal quality to the cruise.

Another English translation that  I found funny. 
Sign to me: "Whaddya mean I'm funny?
Funny how?  I mean, what's funny about it?
I mean funny like I'm a clown?  I amuse you?"

Warning: Clarifying caption
alert: This is a waterfall

I could not have mist including this shot.

Yup, you are right.  This
is another waterfall!

Here we are.

This is known as Nine Horses.  Click on the photo
to enlarge.  Look at the top white part and follow it
back -- see the horse?  He's looking away from us.
Now, look at the top black -- see the horse there?
He's looking toward us -- very distinctive ears.
There might be more horses in this photo (nine
overall, allegedly), but I don't see it. 

Water taxis running some rapids.

Wait for it. . .

Here it is -- the money shot!
(Now you know what the scenery
on the back of the 20 Yuan note is).

Cormorant with fish in mouth, wings spread to dry.

River bank wedding photos.

Pagoda on the banks as we
approached the end of our journey.

Once the two boats on the right
pulled away, we docked.

Our riverboat.

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