Sunday, April 7, 2019

Our Great Dumpling Feast of 2019!

For dinner our first night in Xi'an, we went to a dumpling restaurant in the center of the city.  We had fourteen different kinds of dumplings -- they were amazing.  I can't remember all the ones we had, but there were pork, chicken, combinations, beef, walnut, vegetarian, shrimp, and more.  Fourteen different kinds!

I took pictures of each, but I won't show them all.  Partly because after you've seen a few dumplings, you've seen fourteen, and partly because photo download speeds are slow here on the Yangtze Explorer 4 boat.

Chicken dumplings shaped like chickens.

This is us.

Walnut dumplings, which were interesting.

Traditional (American Chinese restaurants)

Vegetarian dumplings

Fried dumplings

The restaurant's logo is, shockingly, a dumpling.

Here's the name of the restaurant
in case you are ever in Xi'an.

Drum Tower of Xi'an, built
in 1380.  The lights were added

The Bell Tower, built in 1384

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