Thursday, April 18, 2019

Shanghai Day #1 Photos

The bottle opener from the side.

The bottom right -- the 2nd largest building
in the world (Shanghai Tower).  The bottom
 left -- the famed bottle opener building
 (Shanghai World Financial Center).  Top is the
famed Jin Mao Tower.  All in all, a very
cool perspective to shoot from.

Click on the picture to see the airplane better.  These
three buildings form the world's first grouping
of three adjacent super tall buildings.
Stacked on top of each other, they would add up
to 5,067 feet tall.  The top building is 2,073 feet tall,
with the building on the bottom right being 1,614 feet,
and the bottom left building the shrimp of the three 
at 1,380 feet.  Pretty cool.

From the 118th floor.

The top of the bottle opener from the 119th floor.

These skyscrapers look tiny.

Bottle opener and Shanghai Tower
at night from the Bund.

Our hotel, the famed Fairmont Peace Hotel.

The Clock Tower on the Customs House

The Shanghai TV Tower

From center are three of the 
largest buildings in the world.

Good shot of the east bank of the Huangpu
River, from the Bund on the west bank.

The Shanghai Pudong Development Bank (domed
building), the Customs House, and, behind it,
the Lotus Flower building.

The Monument to the People's
Heroes, garishly lit up like
an overdone Vegas casino.

Cool scene for a movie I will never see.

Cool building.

John taking pics from the hotel's terrace bar.

And Ian doing the same.

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