Saturday, April 13, 2019

Panda-ing To My Readership

Lots of pictures of Pandas coming up.  That means high cuteness factor.  Don't say I didn't warn you!

Shoot -- that's a LOT of bamboo!

Andrew doing yeoman-like work.

An early look at the pandas.

Outside and eating after we cleaned up.

We interrupt these pictures of Giant Pandas 
to bring you photos of red pandas.  We saw
seven different red pandas in two enclosures.

Red pandas aren't bears at all -- they are much
more related to raccoons, as you can see from
this photo.

Okay, now back to our regularly scheduled
programming -- Panda Cam!

It's a panda's life.

Everywhere we looked, there were more pandas!

Here's an older male panda.

Someone in the group called it the
Jabba the Hutt look.

A literal bear hug.  And yes, pandas
 ARE bears. Don't @ me!

Here's a 3 1/2 year old looking through the
window into the next enclosure, watching
a pair of 1 1/2 year olds wrestle.

Bill and others watching the 3 1/2 year old.

At this point we all wanted to run
away and become panda workers!

Which one does he eat first?

Great look at his incisors.

How do I know he is a he?
The guides told me!

The logo.

A license plate.

The door closest to us is the enclosure
we mucked out.  And where we fed the pandas!

Pandas working on bamboo roots.

A last look at a red panda.

Making the panda cakes.

Outside the office to greet us. (For those
confused, these are not real!).

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