Monday, April 1, 2019

1847 Buddhist Temple Foreshadows UVA Run To The Final Four

Carol with a friend outside
of the Man Mo Temple in
Sheung Wan, on Hong Kong island.

Banners like this to hang in JPJ.

UVA's run to the Final Four
makes these guys happy.

Rough translation: Wahoowa!

Rough translation: Tony Bennett's system works.

I can't draw an analogy to UVA
basketball with this, but it's still
 a cool picture!

No doubt a UVA fan burning incense
to please the basketball gods.

I have no idea what's sticking out of the deer's
mouth, and can't really come up with a UVA tie-in.

They can't figure out how to score
against the Pack Line defense either.

Ancient prophecy: Kihei Clark will
ride the dragon to chase down the rebound.

Accolades for Diakite's game-tying
miracle shot drape this dude.

UVA orange symbolizes that
their fans have received
total consciousness.

Designed to show the height
difference between Jack Salt
and Kihei Clark.

Taken while they are intently watching
the Perdue-Virginia game.

UVA lights up the sky!

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