Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Pictures from the First Shore Excursion

A houseboat on the Yangzi River.

Not our ship.  Ours was on the other side of it, but
the picture gives you some idea of the size of ours.

View of the gorge near the Tujias.  The position
of the sun makes the photo a bit washed
out, but you get the idea.

There were numerous small shops. 
This was our welcoming trumpets.

Here we are, representing Elon, the Yankees,
and the Capitals!  Lots of Yankee hats
spotted all over China.

Entry way umbrellas.

A Cormorant drying its wings.

Typical village house

A monkey!


I took a picture of Hobart
and Jean taking a selfie.

I think this sign was written
by a personal injury lawyer.

Part of the Disney-esque show.

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