Saturday, April 6, 2019

Not Just A Pretty Good Wall, But A Great One!

I wish I had my photo editing software on this burner computer, but such is life!

Mr. Great Wall Emoji Man
is everywhere in the valley.

So this fierce warrior guarded
our approach.  Fortunately, we
were on his side!

First view of the Wall.

Up on the Wall.

Some of the nearby mountains

Classic Wall photo.

I can see for miles and miles!

Click on this photo.  You can see the 
Wall stretch along the top of the peaks.

Yes it is steep, but at least each step
extra high.  My bad knee won't 
forgive me for a long time.

Lunch on the Great Wall!
Wow, really, that's the
pinnacle of cool tourism!

Ian in an unguarded moment.

Carol, Linda, and Bill.

This view is special.

Looking down at where we had lunch.

 Nancy shot from the rooftop of a watchtower.

Here's that view again from
a slightly different angle.

How are you going to successfully capture
that as an invading army?  You won't!

Close to the end.

Well, we did buy some souvenirs!

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