Sunday, April 14, 2019

Reed Flute Cave & Elephant Trunk Hill Area Photos

Not many cave photos included here, as the garishness of the cave was a bit much.

Fine example of karst, actually kegelkarst.

Painting of the cave, right outside the cave.

A fine example of a
garishly-lit cave formation

Waterfall outside the cave.

This scene has an Indiana Jones type vibe to it.

300 year old cave graffiti, the cave was
rediscovered in the 1940s by people
fleeing the Japanese.

Good reflection in a cave pool.

More examples of karst.  Note
how the mountains stand alone.

The famed Elephant Trunk Hill

A playful scene.

Egret on an island in the middle of the Li River

Kissing Island.

Instead of being "loose noodles,"
Ian and Nancy were "loose
canoodling."  My joke earned
groaning laughter from the group.

Not sure what these are, but they look
like demented bowling pins to me.

Another wise old dude.

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