Wednesday, April 3, 2019

You Can't Always Get What You Want. . .

I had wanted to hike down from Victoria Peak, but Carol made the case for taking the tram back down to save time to do more things.  We had done quite a bit of hiking up top of the peak, so I relented.  Plus, it IS pretty cool to take the tram.

It was time for some dim sum (no, actually it wasn't!).  So I put Tim Ho Wan restaurant into my GPS, and, of course, it was seven tenths of a mile away.

We did a quick stop at St. John's Cathedral, the oldest Anglican church on Hong Kong, built in 1849.  It was a two minute stop -- we were hungry and had dim sum waiting for us!

Except we never found the restaurant.  My GPS kept saying we had arrived multiple times, but we weren't even close.  It appeared to be in a railway station mall, but we walked around -- even information didn't really know where it is.  Finally we just gave up. 

Carol figured out from Trip Advisor that Tim Ho Wan's is IN the train station.  We had walked past it, but there was no sign in English that said something to the effect of "Tim Ho Wan."

So, we gave up, and headed to Central piers to catch the Star Ferry.  For thirty-four cents we crossed the harbor, quickly and efficiently.  It was a great way to go from Hong Kong island to Kowloon.

Convention centre view during the crossing

Another Star Ferry going into Central Pier.

We were going to head back to Din Tai Fung for lunch, but we walked near another restaurant that Bill had recommended, the Very Good Seafood Restaurant on Nathan Street.  If it had just been the Pretty Good Seafood Restaurant, we would not have gone, but we had to eat there if it is Very Good.

And it was.  Very Good.  We headed down the stairs from the street, thinking it was a small hole in the wall, but underground it is huge.  Two big rooms, jammed with locals all eating very good seafood (and other things).

We pointed to the menu, and ended up with some pig, some shrimp dumplings, and some rice.  They even had Perrier for me.  We were the only Westerners in the place  It was pretty darn good.  

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