Monday, April 8, 2019

Sunday In The Park, It Wasn't The Fourth Of July

We took Leo's suggestion and went down the street from our hotel to the Canton Restaurant in Xi'an.  We feasted on one of the best meals we had in China, and we've had a lot of great food here.

One observation on why I'm liking the food so much -- with the exception of breakfast, all the meals have been shared plates.  I love Spanish tapas, because there are so many choices and flavors.  You are not "stuck" eating just one thing at a restaurant, you can have lots of little tastes.  Same is true with the way we've been eating Chinese food.  

Fun stuff.

Afterwards, we popped over into the local park.  There was a large group of women Chinese line dancing.  A ways away, there were several couples ballroom dancing to Chinese music.  Then, there were a group of women doing another type of dance in another part of the park.  There is a beautiful fountain (the Chinese love their fountains -- we need more fountains in the US!).  And some kids playing, and a guy playing his music, even though he did not have a basket out for money.

Very cool scene.

Chinese Line Dancing

A dance with some sort of baton-like thing.
("Baton-like thing" is actually the
technical term!)

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