Friday, April 12, 2019

Deep In The Bunker

816 Underground Nuclear Engineering:

It's great to be greeted by old
propaganda posters.  This one
loosely says "we don't want
war, we want peace."

The diagram of the nuclear site.  You go in
on level six, and there are twelve levels.
Lots of tunnels.

The entrance.  The road didn't exist
until after the site closed in 1982.

A famed red star on the entrance gate.

The tunnel goes on forever.

Part of the light show.

A picture of China's first nuclear

This setting would be used
in a James Bond movie!

Chairman Mao is celebrated in this poster.

I've never walked through
a nuclear reactor before.
It was never used.

If something went wrong, the technician
would have had 45 seconds to fix the problem.
Not much of a margin for error!

There were rows and rows of these.  Now
they would be monitored with one chip!

These cooling rods are not real.

Not sure what it means,
but it's still pretty cool!

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