Friday, April 5, 2019

Tiananmen Square Photos

We barely spent much time in Tiananmen Square, and yet I have 22 photos to post!  Oh goodness, how many will I post from the Forbidden City!
Zhengyang Men, which contained
Qian Men Gate.

Beijing Duck!

The Mao-soleum!

In the foreground is the Monument to the
People's Heroes, built in 1958.  Looks
and sounds like a communist monument.

Tian'an Men -- a Ming Dynasty Gate.

Mao, looking dapper.

Above the China National Museum

Revolutionary statue by Mao's Mausoleum.

The Great Hall of the People to the left, two
people in love in the center, and the Monument 
to the People's Heroes to the right.

Note the security cameras about
halfway up the light post. They
are all over the square.

Standing guard outside Tian'an Men gate.

Also standing guard outside Tian'an Men gate.


Him too!

Yup, you guessed it!

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