Sunday, April 14, 2019

Post Panda Action Report

Lunch at the Giant Panda Base was an interesting experience for us Westerners.  We went over to the cafeteria, where a non-fancy buffet lunch was set up.

There was no rhyme nor reason to how the buffet operated.  Once you signed in and grabbed your metal tray, the base workers and Chinese tourists went this way and that way to get their food.  There was no regimented line, nor no waiting in line.  They just cut to what they wanted, and got it.  It was my first experience in a Full Contact Buffet line.

The food itself was fine, but it was the experience that makes it memorable. 

After lunch we made panda cakes to be baked the next day as a healthy, nutritious snack for the pandas. It wasn't too hard, as we took the "dough" and shaped it into large, one size serving cakes.

Then, we went upstairs and watched a fascinating documentary about the conservation efforts, that including the breakthroughs that have led to significantly more success in breeding pandas, as well as the failed, and then later successful efforts to raise and release pandas back into the wild.

It was panda day.  And it was a great day, it was a fun day, just couldn't wait day, it was the one day.

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