Saturday, April 13, 2019

Like A Limestone Cowboy

The Dazu Grottoes:
As seen from a distance.

This was just part of the start.

Trying to give you some perspective on how
big it is.  Oh, and this is maybe one-tenth of
the entire carvings.

This is rock.  That someone
carved.  And couldn't mess up
or it would look this good.

Dating back as far as the 7th Century, it
took 300 years to complete all of it.  

Mind blown.

Sometimes it's heaven, and sometimes it's hell.

Frankly, the depictions of
hell made for better photos.

Your basic Demon of Hell.

The close-ups are amazing.

Here a wheel crushes a person.

Here, a glutton is stabbed in the stomach.

These guys meant business.

Remember, this is only a tiny part of the whole thing.

These scenes are to encourage parents
to do a good job bringing up their kids.

Mid-wife and mom to be.

The eight dragons bathing
the prince grotto.

Many young artists were there to capture
different scenes.  Not sure if this was art
class or just their hobby.

The Wheel of Life, which is like
the Wheel of Fortune, but different.

Dude.  Don't mess with him.

Happy water buffalo, signifying following
of the Buddhist teachings.

The final big carving. Our guide and
an artist is show to give you a 
sense of scale.

Pagoda near the carvings.

I have to believe that 49 photos is the most I've ever included in one blog post.  There are just so many jaw-dropping scenes that I had to include a bunch of them!

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