Saturday, April 20, 2019

Photos From Yu Gardens and Old Town Shanghai

Smelly Asian fruit -- Durian.  Type in "smelly 
Asian" and Google completes it with "fruit Durian."
And there's a reason for that!

Not all buildings in Shanghai are new.

Not all vehicles in Shanghai are
new, it just seems that way.

Wedding photos.

Old Town Shanghai.  

This Tea House dates from 1855.

The famed Zig Zag bridge, also known as nine
turn bridge.  It zig zags for three reasons -- so you
can enjoy different views, because ghosts can't run 
zig zag, and because it was built that way! 

Foreground: Old China.  Background: New China.

Dragon fish.

Quintessential Chinese garden

No shortage of dragons in the garden.

Chinese Dairy Queen puts
the "small" in small cones.

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