Thursday, April 4, 2019

Well, That Was Easy!

Tuesday was a pretty quiet day.  We had to leave at 10:30 am for our 1:20 flight, so all we did that morning (besides Carol packing and me blogging) was take a walk around Kowloon Park.  Of course, it was the first sunny day since we got to Hong Kong, and we were leaving.

Our entry into China could not have been easier.  The 3 hour flight was ten minutes early.  Even with the mandatory fingerprinting (Editor's Note: As opposed to the voluntary fingerprinting?), we were in the National Geographic-hired minivan (we're doing a Nat Geo tour of China) 45 minutes after landing. 

And that includes 10 minutes of the airplane taxiing to the gate.  Immigration could not have been quicker, and we had nothing to declare through customs, so that was a breeze. 

It took us longer to get to our hotel through Beijing traffic than it did to go through the whole entry process.

It's early spring here in Beijing, with the magnolias and crab apples trees in full bloom. 

1 comment:

tspranger said...

Interesting note on the fingerprinting - in China citizens are limited to how much money they can take out of China each year. To get around this, they often acquire fake passports or dual citizenship. The fingerprinting is the government's way of trying to combat this and track those who have more than one passport.