Thursday, February 9, 2023

A Grand Three Level Temple

After the grandeur of the tombs in the Valley of the Kings, we went essentially next door to the Temple of Hatshepsut, a grand three level mortuary temple built by Pharaoh Hatshepsut.

Her grand temple consists of three massive terraces with statues, inner courtyards, and a massive series of steps.  The huge pylon she built at Karnak is visible across the Nile in the distance.  There are shrines to Amun, Hathor, and Anubis.

Under the direction of later Pharaoh Thutmose II, many references in the temple to Hatshepsut were erased, removed from the walls not unlike Soviet leaders who fell into disfavor were erased from photos.

From afar the temple is quite dramatic.  Close up, it is even more dramatic.  In a few posts you will see the photos I took of the temple from the balloon ride, the temple is, without question, the most recognizable feature in the area from the sky.

After Sam took us through the reliefs on the first floor of the temple, we were given free time and explored, with Neil and Mary, the top levels.  Very dramatic, including a pair of lions at the bottom of the main, long stairs.  

At the top terrace, we wandered into the rooms.  At one point a guard took us behind the ropes and had us look at some small reliefs through a screen.  Very impressive, even if it cost us a buck to do it.

This photo doesn't do just to the size and
scope of the temple.  It is massive.  The
top of second level can be seen
just below the third level.

A tomb on the hillside to 
the side of the temple.

Yet another Sphinx.

The people provide a good scale
to the size of the statue.

The statues line the third level.

Guarding the stairs.

Carol took this photo through
a screen that's behind a barrier.

Some of the excavated stones
to be reconstructed.

Lots more work to be done.  Looks
like a large jigsaw puzzle.

A member of the Polish team
working on the site.  Neil and I
chatted a bit with him.  Work
 ceases in March because
of the heat. 

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