Saturday, February 4, 2023

Photos Phrom Philae

Ugh, again the photos are backwards, with the last shown first, etc.  That noted, they are still very cool.

A watchtower from the Middle Ages.
Ho-hum, it's not from B.C.
Nothing to see here.

Nubian-designed AirBnBs are now
quite popular in Egypt, both with
people of means from Cairo, and
Brits looking for a cheaper way
to worship the sun in the winter.

The union of the snake is
on the climb.  

Editor: I see Duran Duran lyrics made it to the blog.  Is there any song lyrics from 1980s pop that you won't use?  Writer: And the problem is?

Coptic cross from its days
as a Coptic Christian church.

The three points on each end represent the Holy Trinity, while the three points multiplied by the four ends of the cross equals twelve, representing the disciples.

Another vulture entry roof.
They are always very cool.

What's more interesting to you in this
photo -- the two guys or the two cats?
(Yes, they gave permission to be
photographed; the two guys.  I didn't ask
the cats, but the cats were cool and
they never said a mumbling word.)

A feast of offerings.

Sam gives us the overview.

The outer courtyard and the pylon.

The entry way.

Beautiful line of columns.

Beautiful Greek-style capital
on the top of a column.  Note
the prolific hieroglyphics on
the wall behind.

Water taxis at rest.  Tons of them.

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