Sunday, February 12, 2023

I Knew These Were Going To Be Karnak Temple Photos

 Once again, for no reason, WordPress has flipped the order of the photos.

A statue that lost its head is
still fascinating, especially
given the hieroglyphics.

Not one, not two, but
three obelisks. It's not an
optical delusion -- the closest
one is a shrimp compared
to the back two.

The sacred lake, where the priests washed
before ceremonies.  The pylon that is 
falling apart is from the festival temple
of Amenophis II  It's something
to reflect on!

So many columns.

Bas relief with color
on an obelisk.

Snake and to the upper left,
an early Christmas ornament.
(Hey, admit it, it looks like one!)

Another random stone with hieroglyphics.

No blank space on the obelisk.

Beautiful rows of columns.
Writing more about them
would be a capital idea, 
but I don't have the energy.

This deep cut wasp stings.

A different depiction of a wasp.

Love the red and hair grooves.


Great colors on the columns.

Ram headed sphinx.

A row of Ram headed sphinx.

Old French grafitti from Napoleon's time.

You are greeted at Karnak Temple by
an impressive row of. . .ram butts.

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